Product Details

Sorrel, (Hibiscus sabdariffa), also known as Roselle, is a member of the Hibiscus and Okra family, and is said to be native of West Africa. The plant has been known to be grown in the West Indies from the early 16th Century, in the period of the Slave Trade. The pretty red flower of the plant is what is popularly used to make juices, jams and teas. Sorrel drink is most popular in the Christmas Season in most Caribbean Islands, however, the introduction of new varieties of the plant, which are “daylight insensitive” now makes it possible for the plant to be grown year-round. We can now enjoy a refreshing glass of cold sorrel with ginger, anytime of the year. Sorrel can be found in several colours, such as red, maroon (deep red), pink, and white. This nutritional drink is rich in Vitamin A&C, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. The plant is used in many countries to treat ailments, including as a diuretic, sedative, laxative, tonic and used to lower blood pressure, among other things.


$ 400.00

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SKU: SRL1CG1 Category:


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